This is a lead-free, water soluble cored wire solder. It has a SAC305 lead-free alloy, #331 water soluble flux, and #66 flux core size. Kester's SAC305 lead-free wire solder is comprised of 96.5% Tin, 3.0% Silver, and 0.5% Copper (Sn96.5/Ag3.0/Cu0.5) with a melting temperature range of 422°F to 428°F. Kester lead-free wire solders have been tested and proved to give good contact angles and shiny joints. Kester Formula #331 is a high-activity, water soluble core flux for soldering difficult metals. It exhibits the same fast action and mild properties as Kester's popular 2331-ZX neutral organic water soluble liquid flux. The flux is more heat stable than most organic fluxes, resulting in minimal smoke and odor. Its residue can be completely removed with a simple water rinse. Kester #331 is classified as ORH1 per J-STD-004.