Display 1 to 12 (of 12)
iBot 1 Soldering Robot
This IBot-1 Soldering robot comes with a single PCB station that can move in Y direction, with tip that can move in X, Y, Z, R, directions, soldering wire feeding with motion system, and a 250W heating system that has a rapid temperature recovery time.
Money blue $22,500.00 Clock fast Lead Time :
iBot Solder Joint Quality Inspection Software
Solder joint quality inspection, the function is that after soldering is finished, it can check soldering quality (miss soldering, bridging, not enough solder etc.)
Money blue $2,300.00 Clock fast Lead Time :
iBot Smoke Exhaust Cover
Can be connected with the factory own fume extraction system
Money blue $300.00 Clock fast Lead Time :
iBot 1 Smoke extractor QB-DX100
Can be connected with the soldering robot directly as a single station
Money blue $1,000.00 Clock fast Lead Time :
HBS-A4T Hot Bar Soldering Machine use thermode technology that based on rapid reflow by pulse heating to effectively solder flexible board on the PCB. Real time display on the touch screen. Can option CCD+displayer can accurate positioning and soldering quality check. The Z axis is controlled by a stepper motor and can be preset to soldering pressure.
Money blue $5,000.00 Clock fast Lead Time :